Cooperative purchasing with Sourcewell contract for Viridian Gun Cameras

Viridian FACT Duty Gun Cameras are the only tool specifically designed to capture an officer-involved shooting.
Is your agency looking to...
Purchase body-worn Cameras?
- Gun Cameras are an ideal supplement to body cameras in modern policing to help departments mitigate risk.
- Viridian FACT Duty Gun Cameras are the only tool specifically designed to capture an officer-involved shooting.
- Gun Cameras provide an unobstructed view during the most critical moments facing law enforcement.
- Gun Cameras cost just 5-10% of the cost of the average body camera implementation and can be easily used in conjunction with most existing evidence storage systems.
Explore alternative solutions to BWCs?
- Manage your budget, while capturing the most critical moments facing officers today.
- Since the Gun Cameras create much less data than body cameras, the cost to implement is greatly reduced.
- Our one time purchase means no long term contracts or variables.
- Store your data in the way that works best for your agency.
- No significant training required for officers to begin using.
The Sourcewell Advantage
Viridian Weapon Technologies is a Sourcewell approved vendor and was awarded the contract for "Public Safety Video Surveillance Solutions with Related Equipment, Software and Accessories."
Sourcewell helps government, education, and nonprofit agencies save time and money by becoming more efficient through contract purchasing solutions.
See the value of Viridian Gun Cams during an actual OIS incident:
To purchase off this contract or for questions regarding products and pricing, please contact:
Kevin Skalicky, National Sales Manager
Matt Plowman, Chief Legal Officer
Sourcewell Contact Information
For questions regarding contract documentation or the solicitation process, please contact:
Darin Narlock
Jamie Case